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Air Classifier of Lignin

Publish: 2022-01-11 09:49:21


With the development of society and life, the demand for Air Classifier of Lignin has increasing the demand of Air Classifier of Lignin, and the requirements for fineness, purity and pass rate are increasing. In the current market, there is a great development space.

Air Classifier of Lignin is mainly used for more refined materials. The graded particle diameter is 1.5 to 0.005 mm, and the crude material is sieved.

The principle of pulverization is substantially the same as the hydraulic level, and the above settlement theory can also be used for airflow classification. However, in the airflow classification, since the density and viscosity of the air are much smaller than the density and viscosity of water, the same particles are more settle more in the air than in the water. Moreover, the density and viscosity of the air varies with temperature and pressure.

In order to cause air flow, wind grading equipment typically requires an appropriate fan (exhaust or blast).

When the airflow is classified, the fine particles are typically taken away by the airflow. In some cases, the feedstock is sent together with the airflow into a grading device. It is well known that the load of solid particles in the air under normal pressure does not exceed 500 g / m3 air. When it reaches 1 kg / m3, the particles fall from the airflow. The load is related to the density and particle size of the particles. When the fine particle material is treated, the load generally does not exceed 200 to 300 g / 3 air. According to this calculation, the volume concentration of the solid in the gas stream is much smaller than 0.03. Therefore, when the airflow is classified, in most cases, it belongs to the free settlement.

The speed required to move the particulate material in the horizontal and vertical directions is relatively large, and the speed required in the horizontal direction is relatively large, and as the particle density increases, for example, for the density 1.5 of the pulverization coal per centimeter. The minimum wind speed is 2 m / sec; a powder material having a density of 2.5 g / cm, the speed is not less than 3.5 m / sec; a powder having a density of 4 g / cm 3, a minimum speed of 4 meters per second. Due to the complexity of the situation, the appropriate airflow rate in each particular situation should be determined by experiments.

In the rising airflow, the gas flow rate required to suspend the particles having a certain density and particle size is greater than the calculated value of the free settling, which is due to the uneven distribution of the airflow along the hierarchical chamber portion.
The air classifier of lignin has the characteristics of high grading range, high grading efficiency, high grading accuracy, accurate cut particle size, and good stability.
AIR Classifier of Lignin features:

1. High yield, low energy consumption, high grading efficiency.

2. Particle size: This machine uses impeller to grade. Stable classification process and special sealing measures effectively prevent the leakage of crude particles, so that the product has no large particles, the particle size is concentrated, and the grading accuracy is high.

3. The structure is reasonable, and 1-6 kinds of products can be produced simultaneously according to user requirements.
4. Strong applicability: Can form closed or open joint operations with various mill (air mill, mechanical mill, ball mill, thundering machine, vibrating mill, etc.).
5. High degree of automation.

Let me introduce the operation method of Air Classifier of Lignin.
1. Before using the pulverizer, first check whether all fasteners of the machine are tightened and the belt is fastened.
2. The spindle direction must be consistent with the direction of arrow on the shroud, otherwise it may damage the machine and cause personal injury.
3. Check if the crusher is complete.
4. Check if the gas flow pulverizer has a hard object such as metal in a crushing room, otherwise it will damage the tool, affect the machine.
5. You must check the purity of the material before crushing. Metal hard materials are not allowed to avoid damage to the tool or cause combustion.

6. The oil cup on the machine should always note the full lubricant to ensure that the machine is operating normally.

7. Stopping before stopping. If you do not continue, remove the residers from the machine.
8. Regular inspection tools and screens are damaged. If damage is damaged, it should be replaced immediately.
9. There will be slight vibration when using the fuselage. Be sure to tighten the cover to connect the handle to avoid accidents.
ALPA Crystalline Sulfur Air Classifier of Lignin Sharing: Shenyang needs an apparatus capable of ultrafine pulverization of crystalline sulfur. Crystalline sulfur is a flammable and explosive raw material, so there is a very high demand of the explosion-proof system of the pulverized apparatus. After many investigations, our company's nitrogen protection AIR Classifier of Lignin met the production needs of the company. Air Classifier Of Lignin has an advantage in security, production capacity, energy consumption.
Technical parameters:
Finished granularity: 200-300 目
Production capacity: 1.5T

Shan dong alpa is committed to Air Classifier of Lignin, has a mature process, There is a high-energy technology research and development team, specializing in crusher research and development, survive in quality, welcome everyone to come to consult.

  • E-mail: marketing@alpapowder.com

  • Add.: No.168, Wenhua Road, Advanced Manufacturing Industrial Park, Anqiu, Weifang City, Shandong Province, China.