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Air Classifier of Gel Silica

Publish: 2021-12-31 11:04:00


With the continuous development of pulverizer technology, Air Classifier of Gel Silica has gradually penetrated into people's daily lives.

The airflow classification is based on centrifugal force, gravity, inertial force, etc., produces different motion trajectories depending on the gas (usually air), gravity, and inertial force to achieve different particle sizes. Classification. Air Classifier Of Gel Silica can be divided into static classifiers and dynamic classifiers based on whether there is moving parts. The development of Air Classifier of Gel Silica is getting better and better. Many industries need to control the particle size of fine powder.

AIR Classifier of Gel Silica Application

1. High hardness materials: silicon carbide, corundum, carbide, alumina, zirconia, garnet, zircon sand, diamond, etc.
2. Non-metallic minerals: quartz, graphite, kaolin, calcium carbonate, mica, heavy crystal stone, mullite, wheat stone, silica bitcite, talc, leaf wax stone, etc.
3. Chemical industry: aluminum hydroxide, silica gel, various dyes, epoxy resins, various auxiliaries, etc.
4. Food medicine: pollen, hawthorn, pearl powder, Ganoderma lucidum, various vegetable flour, various Chinese herbal medicines, various health products, cosmetics, antibiotics, etc.
5. Metal materials: aluminum powder, magnesium powder, zinc powder, tin powder, copper powder, etc.
6. Other materials; ceramics, refractory materials, electronic materials, magnetic materials, rare earth materials, phosphors, photocopying materials.

Let's take a look at the maintenance of the eddy current crusher transmission chain!

Crusher Transmission Chain Protector should be intact, preventing personal injury accidents in the work in the work. Motor base fastening bolts are regularly checked, and the foundation must have sufficient steel to prevent the chain from joking or falling down due to basis, causing transmission failure. Check, repair, and maintenance of the machine, the power supply must be cut off and the sign is applied. It is strictly forbidden to extend the hand or other tools into the machine during the machine operation. Only after the machine is completely stopped, you can clean up and check the machine.
The cable in the pulverizer should have a protective casing.

During the operation, at least each class checks if the compressed air line is leaking, and the water water separation is discharged once. Check if the unloading door is leaking weekly, whether the sealing strip is damaged, whether the discharge link mechanism is in a dead position when closing. Clean the residual material attached to the inner wall of the bucket once a week. Wash the chain, sprocket, and refresh the chain sprocket with diesel brushing. Clean the injector per month while cleaning the inner wall of the mixer and the residual attachment material on the cover. Monthly measurement of a mixer exit andThe variation coefficient of the package, the determination of the variation coefficient should be selected for the shortest mixed time.

In addition, users also need to check whether the wire connection in the motor junction box is loose. Clean up the remaining machine attached to the inner wall of the mixer and buffer. Clean up the oil and water separation triple piece to ensure that the air path is smooth.
ALPA Crystalline Sulfur Air Classifier of Gel Silica Sharing: Shenyang needs an apparatus capable of ultrafine pulverization of crystalline sulfur. Crystalline sulfur is a flammable and explosive raw material, so there is a very high demand of the explosion-proof system of the pulverized apparatus. After multi-examination, our company's nitrogen protection AIR Classifier of Gel Silica met the production needs of the company. Air Classifier of Gel Silica has an advantage in security, production capacity, energy consumption.
Technical parameters:
Finished granularity: 200-300 目
Production capacity: 1.5T

The above is the Air Classifier of Gel Silica, which is introduced to you, you can make a simple For more information, please contact us if you need to purchase eddy current pulverizer, disc air pulverizer, ultrafine crusher products please contact us

  • E-mail: marketing@alpapowder.com

  • Add.: No.168, Wenhua Road, Advanced Manufacturing Industrial Park, Anqiu, Weifang City, Shandong Province, China.