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DISC JET MILL of Calcined Coke

Publish: 2021-11-30 17:37:39


In many crushing methods, DISC JET MILL of Calcined Coke has become one of the most mainstream pulverization techniques with a small particle size, narrow particle size distribution, high purity, high particulate activity, and good dispersibility. Especially suitable for crushing drugs such as contaminated materials.

The overall development trend of China's material ultrafine crushing technology is to make a more ultra-fine pulverized equipment to various types of ultra-fine pulverization equipment towards low-cost, high efficiency, strong dispersibility, good dispersibility and stable quality. High technical requirements.
DISC JET MILL of Calcined Coke Engineering Technology will need more and more high-purity ultrafine powder, and ultrafine powder technology will play an increasingly important role in high-tech research and development. Although high-purity ultrafine powder is prepared by chemical synthesis, it is too high, which is extremely difficult for industrial production. The main means of obtaining the ultrafine powder is still mechanical and pulverized, and ultra-fine pulverization technology is a combination of many technologies. Its development also depends on the progress of the relevant technology. Therefore, the main development trend of ultrafine pulverization equipment has been developed with fine classified equipment with ultrafine pulverized equipment. Ultrafine pulverized equipment with low energy consumption, small land, and has high handling capacity. Integrated development of equipment and process research. Ultrafine pulverization and supporting equipment must adapt to specific bored features and product indicators, and the scale model must be more adapted.

DISC JET MILL OF CALCINED COKE's pulverization chamber is arranged in a particularly designed high-pressure intake nozzle, which is purified and dried from the nozzle, forming an ultrasonic air flow. Materials collide in the center of the high-speed airflow intersection, and it is pulverized in an instant. The pulverized particles rose to the grading chamber, and the qualified particles enter the cyclone separator with the gas, and finally obtain the desired product, the exhaust gas enters the dust collector.

The turbine grading system set in the classification room can obtain a powder of micrometers or even finer. When the pulverized material is pulverized in the pulverized chamber, the same particles at the edge of the turbine will be attached to the two different effort of the centrifuge field (i.e., centrifugal force and airflow resistance generated by turbine). When the particles are large, the centrifugal force is greater than the resistance, and the large particles fly toward the chamber pool wall along the turbine tangential direction, and then returned to the pulverizing chamber to be re-pulverized. When the particles are small, at this time, at this time is less than the resistance, the small particles enter the interior of the turbine with the rising airflow, and collectively collected by the cyclone to qualified products.

Operation DISC JET MILL OF CALCINED COKE What should be paid to? Before running, the operator needs to confirm whether the feed tube inlet and the exit of the raw material feed tube are foreign matter. Whether there is any raw material at the exit. If the foreign matter is found to handle a clean and then boot.

When the grading machine is running normally, in order toMaintaining the stability of the graded, requires the pressure of the feed tube compressed gas to be monitored.Check if the dust collector pressure loss of the laboratory classifier is stable.

Decompose, cleaning, inspected, and maintaining the laboratory classifier must be disconnected to avoid danger.

AlPa Iron Coke Case Sharing: The customer's main business is the production and sales of special powder for rust-proof pigments and diamond tools industry.The raw material production and processing, new products are developed in one, with a production and sales enterprise of phosphate, such as mining, smelting, powder, and new materials.

The customer needs to perform airflow grading to the iron phosphate ultrafine powder, eventually experimenting with our company's grading function to meet the customer needs.

Product Parts: D97: 18UM
Hour Yield: 80kg / h

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  • E-mail: marketing@alpapowder.com

  • Add.: No.168, Wenhua Road, Advanced Manufacturing Industrial Park, Anqiu, Weifang City, Shandong Province, China.