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Steam Jet Mill for Sodium Hydroxide

Publish: 2022-01-13 16:56:15


STEAM JET MILL for Sodium Hydroxide is one of the important basic technologies in the modern industry. In the modern industry, the raw materials that require a powder state have a small and uniform particle size and higher purity, and ultrafine The properties of the raw materials have changed, making ordinary materials have a broader application range,

Steam Jet Mill for sodium hydroxide is a common airflow pulverization method, also known as fluid energy mill, for solid materials Micronized. In many cases, the micronization process is generally considered to be a black box that produces fine powder and crude particles.

Ultrafine Steam Jet Mill for Sodium Hydroxide Working Principle: Ultrafine Crusher Tested by the feed port spiral feeder, the material is sent to the crushing chamber between the body and the guide circle, rotating at high speed in the comminution. Under the blade impact, the material is attached to the gel fixed to the body, resulting in impact, shearing, and material, the material and the blade, the mutual collision, friction, and shear inter alternate. After the powder, under the tension of the negative pressure airflow, the small powder grains overcome self-weight, the over the guide circle with the gas flow, and enter the grading chamber. The fractionation impeller consists of the blade, and the high-speed rotating blade produces a centrifugal force opposite to the negative pressure, and the powder particles in the leaf can be subjected to a negative pressure gas stream and the granularity of the granules, the centrifugal force generated by the impeller, and the particles are larger than the critical diameter ( The granular particles of the grading particles are large, and the pulverized chamber continues to be pulverized, and the particles smaller than the critical diameter are discharged through the drain tube into the whirlwind collector. The higher the rotation speed of the hierarchical impeller, the finer the graded particles, and the rotation of the orthogonal impeller is the determinant of the size of the particle size.

The operation process of Steam Jet Mill for Sodium Hydroxide is important. You need to pay attention to the following points:

1, check all the lines, electrical components, etc. of the pulverizer, whether it works fine. Whether the machine is grounded, so that the housing is powered by electric shock. Whether the machine spindle has a card death, if it should be handled in time. Whether the machine has an abnormal situation during operation, if there is a stop check.
2, check the blade, is tightened, whether the blade gap can reach the specified standard. Before using the pulverizer, check the working room is enough or slidable, if it should be removed in time.
3, after the offset is running, it can begin to start the feed. The pulverizer should stop the feed before stopping. Wait until the machine is completely discharged, it can be stopped.
4, the feed should be uniform, not over, so as not to increase the burden on the machine. The pulverizer cannot be cleaned, maintenance, etc. during operation.

AlPa peneBean protein Steam Jet Mill for Sodium Hydroxide case share: The customer is a food company in Russia. After looking for a lot of powder equipment companies, they have not found appropriate equipment.It has been influenced by the company's production and operation, and finally I saw the ultrafine pulverization of pea protein before our website. Finally, through the incoming experiment, I finally determined the purchase of Steam Jet Mill for Sodium Hydroxide of our company.

Technical parameters:

finished particle size: 400 mesh
Production capacity: 1.5T

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  • Add.: No.168, Wenhua Road, Advanced Manufacturing Industrial Park, Anqiu, Weifang City, Shandong Province, China.