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Disc Jet Mill of Ternary Polycrystalline

Publish: 2022-01-13 16:55:58


Disc Jet Mill of Ternary Polycrystalline is a crushed device commonly used in industrial production. Due to its excellent performance, it is widely used in the crushing operations of various materials. Although the efficiency of this work is very prominent, we still have to look at the machine, just like a normal machine, check the machine, eliminate the machine failure, make the machine more efficient and safely.

DISC JET MILL OF TERNARY POLYCRYSTALLINE is mainly used for more refined materials. The graded particle diameter is 1.5 to 0.005 mm, and the crude material is sieved.

The principle of pulverization is substantially the same as the hydraulic level, and the above settlement theory can also be used for airflow classification. However, in the airflow classification, since the density and viscosity of the air are much smaller than the density and viscosity of water, the same particles are more settle more in the air than in the water. Moreover, the density and viscosity of the air varies with temperature and pressure.

In order to cause air flow, wind grading equipment typically requires an appropriate fan (exhaust or blast).

When the airflow is classified, the fine particles are typically taken away by the airflow. In some cases, the feedstock is sent together with the airflow into a grading device. It is well known that the load of solid particles in the air under normal pressure does not exceed 500 g / m3 air. When it reaches 1 kg / m3, the particles fall from the airflow. The load is related to the density and particle size of the particles. When the fine particle material is treated, the load generally does not exceed 200 to 300 g / 3 air. According to this calculation, the volume concentration of the solid in the gas stream is much smaller than 0.03. Therefore, when the airflow is classified, in most cases, it belongs to the free settlement.

The speed required to move the particulate material in the horizontal and vertical directions is relatively large, and the speed required in the horizontal direction is relatively large, and as the particle density increases, for example, for the density 1.5 of the pulverization coal per centimeter. The minimum wind speed is 2 m / sec; a powder material having a density of 2.5 g / cm, the speed is not less than 3.5 m / sec; a powder having a density of 4 g / cm 3, a minimum speed of 4 meters per second. Due to the complexity of the situation, the appropriate airflow rate in each particular situation should be determined by experiments.

In the rising airflow, the gas flow rate required to suspend the particles having a certain density and particle size is greater than the calculated value of the free settling, which is due to the uneven distribution of the airflow along the hierarchical chamber portion.

The DISC JET MILL OF TERNARY POLYCRYSTALLINE has the characteristics of high grading range, high grading efficiency, high grading accuracy, accurate cutting particle size, and good stability.

DISC JET MILL OF TERNARY POLYCRYSTALLINE Principle and Features: When compressed gas passesThe injector, the pulverized raw material enters the pulverizer, there are multiple pulverized nozzles in the periphery of the pulverized chamber, and the supersonic air flow is sprayed, so that the material is high-speed impact and the material collide with each other, and the grading tube is separated, and the coarse particles are separated. The crude particles continue to be pulverized in the pulverizing chamber, and after the internal closed circuit circulation is pulverized, ultra-fine powder distribution can be obtained in the discharge port. 1. Suitable for dry ultrafoil. Due to the large impact speed, it can reach 2.5 Mach or more. It is easy to obtain 1-10 micron particles, depending on the material properties, it is possible to obtain less than 1 micron particles. 2. Because there is a closed-circuit classification mechanism inside the pulverizer, the product is thick The particles are constantly pulverizing, and therefore the particles are uniform, small particle size distribution ranges are obtained. 3, the device has short-striped time, simple structure, convenient operation, small area, low noise (72 decibel) and no vibration. 4, the efficiency of the pulverization is high, which can be pulverized, and the purity of the pulverized article can be maintained.

DISC JET MILL OF TERNARY POLYCRYSTALLINE is not small, and the material is stacked in the silo plate knot, and the material is absorbed. The material has a bridge in the silo, the silo cone angle The reasons for the resting horn such as refer to the material. Solving silo does not small materials suggests design phase to fully understand the properties of materials, such as pile specific gravity, liquidity, moisture resistance, rest horn, particle size, flammable and explosive properties. Using auxiliary measures, such as air disc, air hammer, air blowing, vibration discharge mechanism, artificial hitting, etc. The pulverizer is an apparatus for ultrafine pulverized dry materials with air separation, heavy polishing, and shear. It consists of a cylindrical crushed chamber, a polishing wheel, a polishing rail, a fan, a material collection system, and the like. The material enters the cylindrical pulverizing chamber through the feed port, and is crushed along the grinding rail, and the crush is achieved. The pulverized material passes out the pulverizer through the negative pressure air flow caused by the fan, and the material collection system is entered, filtered through the filter bag, the air is discharged, the material, the dust is collected, and the pulverization is completed.

DISC JET MILL OF TERNARY POLYCRYSTALLINE feeding system is one of the key components. It is often encountered in actual use, such as the silo, not even if the feed is not uniform, and even can't feed. Simple analysis of non-uniform feeding of feed is more sticky or fluidity, and the design of the feeding system is designed. Feeding uneven resolution suggests based on material properties systemic solution, such as silo structure, auxiliary sheet structure, feeding valve structure, auxiliary feeding measures, and ventilation and control systems. The feeding system is generally silo, auxiliary tablet equipment, and feeding mechanism three components, depending on the material properties, the design parameters of the feeding system are different.

The above is the use of the use of the DISC JET MILL OF TERNARY POLYCRYSTALLINE products and simpleSolution, everyone must pay more attention when using it.
ALPA Gypsum DISC JET MILL OF TERNARY POLYCRYSTALLINE case Share: The company is a more well-known non-metallic mine enterprise in South Africa. The company's main product is a super fine ultra-fine micropowder of non-metallic mine such as stone and gypsum. Through our website, we learned our equipment and read our case.
Technical parameters:

Finished product granularity: D97: 5UM

Production capacity: 140kg

Shandong Alpa focus on powder engineering equipment such as crusher, classification machine, modified machine and other powder engineering equipment 20 years of research and development, the production of small ultra-fine pulverizer consists of three parts of the host, auxiliary machine, and electronically controlled gas flow, airflow grading, mechanical powder, flexible to achieve gas flow, airflow grading, mechanical and smash In one, 325 mesh -10000 mesh (45μm-1μm) is suitable for a variety of crushing scenes, from research institutes, college laboratories, new products, new materials, new materials, new materials, and new materials. It is necessary to make the device selection according to the actual needs. Welcome new and old customers to come to consult!

  • E-mail: marketing@alpapowder.com

  • Add.: No.168, Wenhua Road, Advanced Manufacturing Industrial Park, Anqiu, Weifang City, Shandong Province, China.