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Disc Jet Mill of Diatomite

Publish: 2022-01-11 09:49:07


Environmentally friendly disc Jet Mill of Diatomite has gradually become the market leading to mechanical equipment, and the modern new mechanical equipment in the machinery manufacturing industry in the stage has gradually replaced the traditional rough mechanical processing and production. It has also become a new dominant leading to the realization of technological innovation and upgrading at this stage.

DISC JET MITOTOMITE is a commonly used airflow pulverization method, also known as fluid energy mill for micronization of solid materials. In many cases, the micronization process is generally considered to be a black box that produces fine powder and crude particles.

Ultrafine DISC JET MITO DIATOMITE Working Principle: The ultrafine pulverizer is fed into the feeder between the material and the guide circle, and the blade is rotated at high speed in the comminution. Under the impact, the material is attached to the ring gear that is fixed to the body, resulting in impact, shearing, and material, the material and the blade, the mutual collision, friction, and shear interchangeably. After the powder, under the tension of the negative pressure airflow, the small powder grains overcome self-weight, the over the guide circle with the gas flow, and enter the grading chamber. The fractionation impeller consists of the blade, and the high-speed rotating blade produces a centrifugal force opposite to the negative pressure, and the powder particles in the leaf can be subjected to a negative pressure gas stream and the granularity of the granules, the centrifugal force generated by the impeller, and the particles are larger than the critical diameter ( The granular particles of the grading particles are large, and the pulverized chamber continues to be pulverized, and the particles smaller than the critical diameter are discharged through the drain tube into the whirlwind collector. The higher the rotation speed of the hierarchical impeller, the finer the graded particles, and the rotation of the orthogonal impeller is the determinant of the size of the particle size.

The factors affecting the operation efficiency of DISC Jet Mill of Diatomite device have the following points:

1. Material properties, in general, air pulverization equipment can accommodate all brittle materials, but due to material properties Different, the crushing performance is also different. Due to the strength, density, hardness, viscosity, shape and electrical energy of different materials, it will inevitably lead to differences in the crushing effect, and the strength of the material is an important factor, and some materials have a water content Change the performance, toughness, and viscosity of the crushing material also produce noise to the fineness of the pulverized material.
2. If the processing capacity of the device is the same, if the processing material is different, the grinding fineness will be different. In general, the processing capacity of the airflow grinding machine is proportional to the particle size of the product.
3. The influence of back pressure refers to the average pressure of the pulverized indoor gas, and the increase in back pressure is not conducive to the crushing process, affecting the efficiency of gas flow grinding equipment.

ALPA Raw Powder DISC JET MILL of Diatomite Case Sharing:

A mechanical equipment company, the company mainly produces pharmaceutical equipment and powder automation equipment, and agent the import of relevant equipment in the United States and Germany, the company has to teach the advantages and team's cohesiveness has a rapid development, andIt breaks the monopoly of foreign equipment in the industry.

Case parameters:
Product particle size: D90: 2-80UM
Hour Yield: 50-80kg

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