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Spiral Jet Crusher Of Fenofibrate

Publish: 2021-12-28 10:57:22


In the classification operation of industrial production at this stage, the use of Spiral Jet Crusher Of Fenofibrate is mainly targeted for the effective crushing of solid particles, and is also a commonly used comminution equipment in the product ultrafine pulverization process.

Spiral Jet Crusher's Fenofibrate is mainly after accelerating compressed air or inert gas, using high-speed elastic fluid (300 ~ 500 m / s) or overheating steam (300 to 400 ° C) to make particles Between, between the gas and the particles, the particles and other components produce strong impact, shear, collision, friction, etc., at the same time, under the action of the airflow rotation, or with the classified machine, Different particle grading achieves ultra-fine pulverization.
Spiral Jet Crusher Of Fenofibrate is a common preparation method of pharmaceutical powder, suitable for antibiotics, enzymes, low melting points, and other thermal drugs. With the continuous advancement of ultrafine pulverization technology, it will play an increasingly important role in the pharmaceutical industry.

Now let's take a look at the performance advantage of Spiral Jet Crusher's Fenofibrate!

First, the classifier can be hierarchically grade the particles of spherical shape, and if the particles of different densities can also be effectively used in this class. Graded.
Secondly, the gradular product of this classification machine is adjustable, and the replacement is also very convenient.
Furthermore, since the flow performance is good, the grading efficiency of the ultrafine airflow classifier will be high.
Not only that, the classifier also adopts high quality production materials, so the wear resistance of such grading machine equipment is also very good.

Spiral Jet Crusher Of Fenofibrate is important, you need to pay attention to the following points:

1, check all lines, electrical components, etc. of the pulverizer, whether it is possible to work. Whether the machine is grounded, so that the housing is powered by electric shock. Whether the machine spindle has a card death, if it should be handled in time. Whether the machine has an abnormal situation during operation, if there is a stop check.
2, check the blade, is tightened, whether the blade gap can reach the specified standard. Before using the pulverizer, check the working room is enough or slidable, if it should be removed in time.
3, after the offset is running, it can begin to start the feed. The pulverizer should stop the feed before stopping. Wait until the machine is completely discharged, it can be stopped.
4, the feed should be uniform, not over, so as not to increase the burden on the machine. The pulverizer cannot be cleaned during operation.Maintenance and other work.

ALPA Water Glucose Medium Spiral Jet Crusher Of Fenofibrate Case Sharing: A starch sugar company requires a decentralized equipment for water glucose media, and some of the powder enterprises have notFind a suitable device.We have found appropriate equipment in our AlPA.Our Spiral Jet Crusher's Fenofibrate can disperse the water glucose medium.

Technical parameters:
finished product particle size: waterless glucose greater than 18 mesh

Shan dong alpa specializes in the production and development and service of Spiral Jet Crusher's Fenofibrate product technology, welcome to consult.With a perfect quality, excellent service, the most affordable price, the customer's first attitude provides the best eddy current crusher products and services.

  • E-mail: marketing@alpapowder.com

  • Add.: No.168, Wenhua Road, Advanced Manufacturing Industrial Park, Anqiu, Weifang City, Shandong Province, China.