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Steam Jet Mill for Hericium Erinaceus

Publish: 2021-12-23 10:06:18


STEAM JET MILL for Hericium Erinaceus can be used for important or need to be grounded to granular product processing, AlPA ultrafine pulverizer products are good, affordable, factory direct sales, also to promote after-sales service service for customers, good service attitude

Steam Jet Mill for Hericium Erinaceus is converted into a high-pressure airflow for pulverizing kinetic energy into a crushing cavity peripheral, which is the airflow distribution station. The airflow passes through the Ravar nozzle accelerates supersonic airflow into the crushing room, the material is Wenqiao nozzle enters the crush chamber synchronous acceleration grind. The acute angle of the Ravar nozzle is mounted, so the flow cycle of the crushing cavity and the animal feed, the particles are hit, collide, friction, and grind each other. The fine particles were opened into the center of the pulverizer, and the cyclone separator was entered at the drive of the heart flow, and the coarse powder was thrown into the periphery of the pulverizing chamber, and cycled under the action of centrifugation and continued to be pulverized.

The working principle of Steam Jet Mill for Hericium Erinaceus is: drying, drying through the nozzle in the case of drying. In the pulverizing cavity, the material can be pulverized by a high pressure gas stream. Thereafter, the crude material can be separated from the centrifugal force generated by the grading turbine. Particles that meet the particle size requirements are in the cyclone separator and the dust collector, and the particles collected, and the particles that do not meet the requirements continue to be pulverized.

There are many kinds of crushers, generally customized according to customer requirements, and have a long time. But only suitable for the most, you can play a better role. The airflow mill manufacturer provides excellent quality equipment to customers, while ensuring the quality of the equipment, also provides a better service for our customers.

Want to do the quality of the crusher, it is to fully combine its functionally stable amount, so it can be practical. In the process of ensuring product supply, the product effect is obvious. The most important equipment is to do quality, the service is the second, only to do good quality, we can easily do a good job.

ALPA Gypsum Steam Jet Mill for Hericium Erinaceus case sharing: The company is a more well-known non-metallic mine company in South Africa. The company's main product is a super fine ultra-fine powder such as non-metallic mine such as Fangli and gypsum. The company learned about our equipment through our website and saw our case, and finally chose to bought our company's Steam Jet Mill for Hericium Erinaceus as its gypsum ultrafine powder production line.

Technical parameters:
Finished granularity: D97: 5UM
ProductionForce: 140kg

The performance characteristics of the model of each series have different performance characteristics, different granularity, different production efficiency, different production and production environment, the price of processing equipment is also different, customers can according to their own situation,Consult the ALPA engineer to buy a suitable model and specifications, welcome to inquire.

  • E-mail: marketing@alpapowder.com

  • Add.: No.168, Wenhua Road, Advanced Manufacturing Industrial Park, Anqiu, Weifang City, Shandong Province, China.