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DISC JET MILL of Lithium Carbonate

Publish: 2021-12-17 10:10:23


In many crushing methods, DISC JET MILL OF LITHIUM CARBONATE has become one of the most mainstream pulverization techniques with a small particle size, narrow particle size distribution, high purity, high particulate activity, and good dispersibility. Especially suitable for crushing drugs such as contaminated materials.

DISC JET MILL OF LITHIUM CARBONATE is simple, but it is very powerful, using Disc Jet Mill of Lithium Carbonate usually gets a very good effect. Its design is simple, easy to operate, easy to clean.


After entering the hierarchy, the material of the feed mechanism enters the classifier, the distribution disc on the standing hierarchy is uniformly distributed and thrown into the block. Ring, falling into the grading area.

The graded air enters the spiral wind chamber, through the guide disk blade flows into the grading wheel in the center direction, and the fine powder satisfying the particle size is separated under grade gravity. Fine powder flows at high speeds and enters the fine powder trapping system from the grading air and then separated from the grading air. The coarse powder falls into the lower part of the graded machine.

DISC JET MILL OF LITHIUM CARBONATE Silk is not small, the material is stacked in the silo plate knot, and the material is absorbed, and the material appears in the silo. The phenomenon, the reasons such as the resting horn of the silo cone design without reference materials. Solving silo does not small materials suggests design phase to fully understand the properties of materials, such as pile specific gravity, liquidity, moisture resistance, rest horn, particle size, flammable and explosive properties. Using auxiliary measures, such as air disc, air hammer, air blowing, vibration discharge mechanism, artificial hitting, etc. The pulverizer is an apparatus for ultrafine pulverized dry materials with air separation, heavy polishing, and shear. It consists of a cylindrical crushed chamber, a polishing wheel, a polishing rail, a fan, a material collection system, and the like. The material enters the cylindrical pulverizing chamber through the feed port, and is crushed along the grinding rail, and the crush is achieved. The pulverized material passes out the pulverizer through the negative pressure air flow caused by the fan, and the material collection system is entered, filtered through the filter bag, the air is discharged, the material, the dust is collected, and the pulverization is completed.

DISC JET MILL OF LTHIUM Carbonate's feeding system is one of the key components. It often encounters problems in actual use, such as the silo, not even if the feed is not uniform, and even can't feed. Simple analysis of non-uniform feeding of feed is more sticky or fluidity, and the design of the feeding system is designed. Feeding uneven solving recommendations based on material propertiesSolve problems, such as silhouette structure, auxiliary sheet structure, feed valve structure, auxiliary feeding measures, and ventilation and control systems. The feeding system is generally silo, auxiliary tablet equipment, and feeding mechanism three components, depending on the material properties, the design parameters of the feeding system are different.

The above is the use of the use of DISC JET MILL OF LTHIUM CARBONATE products and simple solutions. Everyone must pay more attention when using.

ALPA baked wheat DISC JET MILL OF LITHIUM CARBONATE case Sharing: This customer is a seasoning company, in the production process, it is necessary to use a device that can make ultrafine pulverized wheat after baked wheat. . Investigate a number of domestic enterprises in China, and finally chose our ALPA as a partner, and purchased DISC JET MILL of LITHIUM Carbonate from us.

Technical parameters:

Finished granularity: D99.9: 180 目
Production capacity: 400kg

The company produces a variety of disc Jet Mill of Lithium Carbonate and airflow mill, have a complete test Means and sample equipment and laboratory equipment, the production of pulverizer is widely used in chemical, pharmaceutical, minerals, electronics, pesticides, ceramics and other industries. Welcome to contact us if you need to buy products.

  • E-mail: marketing@alpapowder.com

  • Add.: No.168, Wenhua Road, Advanced Manufacturing Industrial Park, Anqiu, Weifang City, Shandong Province, China.