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Steam Jet Mill for Spore Powder

Publish: 2021-11-05 10:04:57


People currently use in daily life are also more, STEAM JET MILL for Spore Powder is a large size of solid feedstock to standard size, usually smashed into micron level, usually our equipment There are multiple devices to consist, usually composed of a part of a coarse, fine powder or a wind device, etc. The main purpose is to use wind energy to be powdered, and have canceled the traditional screening at the time of use. The main application is more useful in many industries such as mining or building materials. Some industries such as metallurgical or building materials, chemicals, etc. are useful to use large crushers for work.

Steam Jet Mill for Spore Powder is based on the size, shape, and density of centrifugation, no water, no water washing, complete dry, and obtain a narrower particle size distribution, non-polluting microemetry;

Efficient grading, eliminating wear technology, reliability, no leakage technology, large particle control technology, fine powder extraction technology, complete, stabilized flow field design technology, constant gas-solid concentration than design technology, regulate a certain number of product yields
Small wear, can be highly purified, ultra-narrowly machined ultrafine powder, avoiding the wear of the horizontal grade machine. Under the same material, the service life of the equipment is more than 5 times the ordinary classifier;
High grading accuracy, stable and complete hierarchical flow field, and special sealing measures, reliably prevent leakage of crude particles, vertical Circulation in the turbine grading machine guarantees qualified product particle size;
full-negative pressure, no dust pollution, equipment does not need to do the foundation, convenient for maintenance and maintenance. Online detection can be implemented according to user needs, and automatic automatic unmanned production operations are implemented.

The working principle of Steam Jet Mill for Spore Powder is a complete crushing system composed of crusher and cyclone separator, dust collector and air. After the compressed air is filtered, the high-speed nozzle is sprayed into the crushing chamber, and the material is pulverized by repeated collision, friction and shearing at the intersection of the multi-high pressure airflow. The crushing material moves together with the rising airflow to the classified area with the suction of the fan. Under the action of centrifugation, the thickness of the material is separated, and the graded cyclone is required to grade the cyclone to enter the cyclone dust collector, and the coarse comminution continues to be pulverized down. Suitable for dry crushing of various materials that are less than 9 in the Moh, especially for high hardness, high purity, high value-added crushing materials. It includes a vertical hierarchy device. The size of the product can be adjusted between D97: 8 and 150 microns, with a good particle shape and a narrow particle size distribution. Low temperature without media crushing. It is especially suitable for thermal sensitivity, low melting point, sugar-containing and volatile substances. The grinding process mainly depends on the collision of the material itself, and is different from the mechanical crushing blade or hammer.The impact of the V powder material on the ground, so the equipment has high wear resistance, and the product purity is high.

Let's learn about the Knowledge of Steam Jet Mill for Spore Power Lubricants.

Selecting Steam Jet Mill for Spore Powder Lubricants Products To select the type and label of the lubricant according to the instructions on the device manual. General Steam Jet Mill for Spore Powder device manufacturer's production and use of lubricants is very clear. This requires we choose in actual work. According to the work conditions of the equipment. For machines with higher temperatures, high viscosity oils are used, ensuring the thickness of grease under normal operating conditions, ensuring smooth flow of lubricants in low temperature environments; when the mechanical working speed is high, the viscosity is selected. Smaller oil ensures good permeability and fluidity. If the grease is too thick at this time, it will increase the operational resistance. When the load is relatively large, the oil having a slightly high viscosity should be used to ensure the thickness of the grease.
When purchasing Steam Jet Mill for Spore Powder Lubricants, they should help their physical properties and chemical properties such as viscosity, flash point, corrosion resistance, etc., but also combined with manufacturers, considering comprehensive benefits and Under the premise of management benefits, minimize the type and quantity of oils as much as possible to reduce financial costs. The storage of lubricants and storage of oil plays an important role in the performance of the oil. When the lubricating oil is in contact with the non-ferrous metal, it will oxidize, which affects its performance, and corrosion during use, causing damage to the machine. Therefore, in the storage process, it should be avoided in contact with copper. The barrel oil should be kept cleaned and ventilated, protected from light. The storage time of lubricating oil should not be too long to avoid deterioration.

The above is the Knowledge of the shredder of the shredder for everyone

AlPa Soda Steam Jet Mill for Spore Powder case sharing: The company is Chemical enterprises need to make ultrafine smashing on small soda, investigate a number of powder equipment enterprises, and finally chose our AlPa Steam Jet Mill for Spore Powder.
Technical parameters:

Finished granularity: D97: 20UM

Production capacity: 10-220kg

Shandong Alpa airflow crusher price, quality is more than German brand, environmental protection and energy saving, particle size concentration , Explosion-proof dusting. Welcome to inquire.

  • E-mail: marketing@alpapowder.com

  • Add.: No.168, Wenhua Road, Advanced Manufacturing Industrial Park, Anqiu, Weifang City, Shandong Province, China.