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Fluidized Bed Jet Mill of Albite

Publish: 2021-10-29 10:02:56


It is well known that the product technology of FLUIDIZED BED JET MILL of Albite has received extensive attention from the industry.

The overall development trend of China's material ultrafine crushing technology is to make a more ultra-fine pulverized equipment to various types of ultra-fine pulverization equipment towards low-cost, high efficiency, strong dispersibility, good dispersibility and stable quality. High technical requirements.
Fluidized Bed Jet Mill of Albite Engineering technology will need more and more high-purity ultrafine powder, and ultrafine powder technology will play an increasingly important role in high-tech research and development. Although high-purity ultrafine powder is prepared by chemical synthesis, it is too high, which is extremely difficult for industrial production. The main means of obtaining the ultrafine powder is still mechanical and pulverized, and ultra-fine pulverization technology is a combination of many technologies. Its development also depends on the progress of the relevant technology. Therefore, the main development trend of ultrafine pulverization equipment has been developed with fine classified equipment with ultrafine pulverized equipment. Ultrafine pulverized equipment with low energy consumption, small land, and has high handling capacity. Integrated development of equipment and process research. Ultrafine pulverization and supporting equipment must adapt to specific bored features and product indicators, and the scale model must be more adapted.

Fluidized Bed Jet Mill of Albite Application

1. High hardness materials: silicon carbide, corundum, carbide, alumina, zirconia, garnet, zircon sand, diamond, etc.
2. Non-metallic minerals: quartz, graphite, kaolin, calcium carbonate, mica, heavy crystal stone, mullite, wheat stone, silica bitcite, talc, leaf wax stone, etc.
3. Chemical industry: aluminum hydroxide, silica gel, various dyes, epoxy resins, various auxiliaries, etc.
4. Food medicine: pollen, hawthorn, pearl powder, Ganoderma lucidum, various vegetable flour, various Chinese herbal medicines, various health products, cosmetics, antibiotics, etc.
5. Metal materials: aluminum powder, magnesium powder, zinc powder, tin powder, copper powder, etc.
6. Other materials; ceramics, refractory materials, electronic materials, magnetic materials, rare earth materials, phosphors, photocopying materials.

Fluidized BED JET MILL OF Albit How does the particle size size?
The smaller the particle size of the raw material, the higher the pulverization efficiency, the greater the particle size of the raw material, then the pulverization effect is relatively low. In the case of crushing pressure and feed pressure, reduce the feed speed product will be finer, and improve the feed speed product will become thick. In the case of a feed rate, the particle size of the pulverized pressure is improved, and the pulverization pressure is reduced, and the product will become thick.
So the particle size control is the adjustment of the parameters during the pulverizer to achieve different pulverization fineness, and the feed speed and pressure need to be measured before crushing.The relationship between and then determines the appropriate pulverization parameters.

ALPA Peel Fluidized Bed Jet Mill of Albite Case Sharing: The company uses a food professional processing company in R \u0026 D, processing, and sales, and has been discovered by multi-examination or our AlPa's Fluidized Bed Jet Mill ofAlbite satisfies all needs.

Technical parameters:
Production capacity: 2T +/- 10%

The equipment market is rapidly changed, and the current airflow classifier has certain demand in the market, but the society is constantlyDevelopment, no matter what industry needs to keep pace with the times, it can lead the industry.

  • E-mail: marketing@alpapowder.com

  • Add.: No.168, Wenhua Road, Advanced Manufacturing Industrial Park, Anqiu, Weifang City, Shandong Province, China.