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Fluidized Bed Jet Mill of Medlar Bud TEA

Publish: 2021-10-28 17:05:50


In this economically flourished area, there are many people who know the airflow pulverizer, and FLUIDIZED BED JET MILL of Medlar Bud Tea is in a leading position in the same industry.

Fluidized Bed Jet Mill of Medlar BUD TEA is that the compressed air is accelerated by the Lavar nozzle to accelerate the supersonic airflow, which is blocked into the pulverized region (the airflow expansion is suspended to each other. Collision), so each particles have the same motion state. Low temperature Application Fluidized Bed Jet Mill of Medlar BUD TEA can operate under ultrasonic speed, and the pulverization chamber forms a minimum low temperature environment in minus under mining, and the liquid nitrogen cooling can perform ultra-fine processing of thermal substances and plastic materials, low production costs. High efficiency.

Typical materials are: pigments, resins, sulfur, sulfide sulfide, pesticides, epoxy resins, polytetrafluoroethylene, rubber, and phosphate.
Typical products include soybean, pollen, hawthorn, sodium chloride, Cordyceps, mushrooms, pearl powder, gastric medicine, Nimodi, antibiotics, ginseng, angiographic drugs, Ganoderma lucidum, five times, He Shouwu et al .
Typical products are: garnet, silica, diamond, silicon carbide, white carbon black, diamond, aluminum soil, boron oxide, tungsten carbide, special ceramics, etc.

What are the characteristics of Fluidized Bed Jet Mill of Medlar Bud TEA? Ultrafine airflow classifier, particularly suitable for brittle materials, the hardness of the material is suitable in Mogie 1-3, such as graphite, kaolin, quartz and other non-metallic minerals. Due to the high speed of the microcomputer, the intake air is large, it is used to grind heat sensitive materials, synthetic resins, sulfur, pesticides, food, Chinese herbal medicine, phosphoric acid, magnesium carbonate and other items.

Fluidized BED JET MILL OF Medlar Bud Tea Daily Maintenance
And troubleshoot.
2, when the new machine is running, the drive belt is easy to elongate, and should pay attention to adjust the appropriate looseness of the belt to ensure the work life of the belt.

3, if the loss case should be checked frequently, replace the quality and production volume in time.

4, the blade, the bushing should often check the wear situation. If the wear is worn, the productivity is lowered, and the particle size is replaced after the particle size is replaced.

5, the host and the graded flow bearing are lipids, and the No. 2 special lipids are used 265-295.

6, the replacement period of the bearing is 2000 hours, and the amount of the grease is filled.1/2 (superiometric) or 3/4 (lower test) of the bearing cavity in the bearing cavity can not be fill the grease too much. Otherwise, the bearing temperature is too high.
7. The spiral feeder has been changed during the change of the lipid of 4,000 hours, and the calcium-based grease is added.

AlPa gel method White Carbon Black Fluidized Bed Jet Mill of Medlar BUD TEA Case Sharing: The main product of the customer includes beer silica gel, an open agent, a catalyst carrier, and the like.The company purchased our AlPa Fluidized Bed Jet Mill of Medlar Bud TEA.
Technical parameters:
Finished product particle size: D50: 12-16UM 10-12UM
Production capacity: 250-450kg

Shan dong alpa is committed to Fluidized Bed Jet Mill of MedlarBUD TEA, has a mature process process, has a high-energy technology research and development team, specializing in the development of crusher, survive by quality, welcome everyone to come to consult.

  • E-mail: marketing@alpapowder.com

  • Add.: No.168, Wenhua Road, Advanced Manufacturing Industrial Park, Anqiu, Weifang City, Shandong Province, China.