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Steam Jet Mill for Lotus SEED

Publish: 2021-10-26 17:02:51


Many friends who want to produce industrialized are certainly unfamiliar with STEAM JET MILL for Lotus Seed. Steam Jet Mill for Lotus Seed has a very convenient, crushing speed, and quality of crushing product. It is a very useful. Crush machine.

Steam Jet Mill for Lotus Seed is an apparatus that utilizes air separation, heavy polishing and shear to achieve a dry material ultrafine pulverized. It consists of a cylindrical crushed chamber, a grinding wheel, a wear rail, a fan, a material acquisition system, and the like. The material enters the cylindrical crushing chamber through the feed port and is pulverized and pulverized by a grinding wheel moving around the wear rail. The pulverized material is taken out from the crushing chamber through the negative pressure air flow caused by the fan and enter the material collection system. After filtering the filter bag, the air is discharged, collecting materials and dust, and completes broken.

Ultra-fine Steam Jet Mill for Lotus SEED Working Principle: Ultrafine Crusher Troubles with the feed port spiral feeder, gives the material into the crushing chamber between the body and the guide circle, rotating at high speed in the comminution. Under the blade impact, the material is attached to the gel fixed to the body, resulting in impact, shearing, and material, the material and the blade, the mutual collision, friction, and shear inter alternate. After the powder, under the tension of the negative pressure airflow, the small powder grains overcome self-weight, the over the guide circle with the gas flow, and enter the grading chamber. The fractionation impeller consists of the blade, and the high-speed rotating blade produces a centrifugal force opposite to the negative pressure, and the powder particles in the leaf can be subjected to a negative pressure gas stream and the granularity of the granules, the centrifugal force generated by the impeller, and the particles are larger than the critical diameter ( The granular particles of the grading particles are large, and the pulverized chamber continues to be pulverized, and the particles smaller than the critical diameter are discharged through the drain tube into the whirlwind collector. The higher the rotation speed of the hierarchical impeller, the finer the graded particles, and the rotation of the orthogonal impeller is the determinant of the size of the particle size.

Steam Jet Mill for Lotus SEED Job Safety Application Basic Requirements

1 The line is not allowed to use iron and sticks instead of hair.

2, pulverizer and power unit should be installed firmly. If the equipment is fixed for a long time, it should be fixed on the cement; if the device is a mobile operation, the unit should be installed on the base made of angle iron, and ensure that the belt wheel groove of the power machine (diesel or electric motor) and the equipment is in the same Rotary plane.
At the same time, check if the leather belt looseness is appropriate.
4Reliable, there is no collision in the shell, whether the rotation direction of the rotor is consistent with the direction of the machine arrow, whether the power machine and the pulverizing machine are lubricated.
5, don't just replace the pulley, prevent the transition chamber to produce explosion, or the speed of the pulverizer is too low.
6. After the pulverizer starts, it should be idled by 2 to 3 minutes, no abnormal phenomenon, then press the work.
7. At any time, pay attention to the operation of the equipment, the feeding should be uniform, to prevent blocking bullies, do not have a long time overload. If there is found that vibration, noise, the bearing and the body temperature is too high, the outer spray, etc., should be closed immediately, and the fault can be eliminated.
8. When blocking occurs, it should be stopped immediately. It is strictly forbidden to use a wooden stick or hand to feed or pull out the feed to avoid the pulverizer to wound the arm or damage the machine.
9. If you crush a hard raw material, the operator must wear glasses.
10, the workplace should have a ventilator and strictly prohibit fireworks to prevent dust explosion from fire.

ALPA Quartz, Silicon Powder Steam Jet Mill for Lotus SEED Case Sharing:

A new material company mainly engages new materials technology development, consulting services, silicon micron powder processing and quartz product sales. We have always provided customers with good products and technical support, improve after-sales service;

case parameters:
Product particle size: D99: 5.5UM D100: 10UM
Hour Yield: 200-700KG
[123 To learn more about Steam Jet Mill for Lotus Seed, you will go to Shan Dong Alpa, the company is in research and development and production of crusher and crusher related products, quality multiplication, and is very trustworthy.

  • E-mail: marketing@alpapowder.com

  • Add.: No.168, Wenhua Road, Advanced Manufacturing Industrial Park, Anqiu, Weifang City, Shandong Province, China.