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cell mill for Wheat

Publish: 2021-09-17 08:23:41


With the rapid growth of Chinese economy, the high-energy mining machinery industry, especially cell mill for Wheat there will be a huge space for development, a variety of mineral powder products will be rapid development. In order to ensure sustainable development, green, environmentally friendly, healthy bed jet rubbing equipment and products more extensive in the entire mineral powder industry. When applied to people's lives, it is necessary to optimize the use of equipment technology.

cell mill for Wheat is a sub-micron ultra-fine powder is particularly high precision pulverized powder material, it is possible to provide other types of grinding equipment can not achieve high performance crushing effect, the crushing treatment after the narrower particle size range can be obtained, higher peak three or more different size ranges of products, greatly enhance the added value of the raw powder; is widely used in the field of metal and nonmetal.

alpa organic pigment cell mill for Wheat Case Study: The company is Taiwan's industrial chemicals business, the company for 19 years from when we alpa purchased a mechanical grinder mill for grinding organic pigments.
Technical parameters:
Finished Size: D50 less than 325 mesh
production capacity: 300KG

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is a matter of Wheat in the use of as we bring cell mill for, want Learn about other aspects of knowledge grinder friends can a lot of attention Oh!

  • E-mail: marketing@alpapowder.com

  • Add.: No.168, Wenhua Road, Advanced Manufacturing Industrial Park, Anqiu, Weifang City, Shandong Province, China.